PIVOTS with Unknown Values – Dynamic SQL
As promised, although it took 3 years, I’ll show you how to use PIVOTS with unknown values. This is a continuation of the other PIVOT post. If you haven’t already, it’s not a bad idea to read it first. (Create Employee Work Shift Schedule using PIVOTS)
We’ll use the same code to start off. The prep code is the same.
CREATE TABLE #DATA ( name VARCHAR(50), shift_start DATETIME, shift_end DATETIME ) INSERT INTO #DATA VALUES ('Boony Antonchik', '2017-05-30 14:00', '2017-05-30 17:00') INSERT INTO #DATA VALUES ('Toma Wittier', '2017-05-30 14:00', '2017-05-30 15:00') INSERT INTO #DATA VALUES ('Genvieve Arends', '2017-05-30 8:00', '2017-05-30 13:00') INSERT INTO #DATA VALUES ('Ulla Friatt', '2017-05-30 18:00', '2017-05-30 19:00') INSERT INTO #DATA VALUES ('Giralda Ranfield', '2017-05-30 13:00', '2017-05-30 15:00') INSERT INTO #DATA VALUES ('Alvis Duester', '2017-05-30 13:00', '2017-05-30 20:00') INSERT INTO #DATA VALUES ('Rhianna Sherar', '2017-05-30 13:00', '2017-05-30 16:00') INSERT INTO #DATA VALUES ('Liane Bayldon', '2017-05-30 12:00', '2017-05-30 19:00') INSERT INTO #DATA VALUES ('Cookie Saffle', '2017-05-30 9:00', '2017-05-30 12:00') INSERT INTO #DATA VALUES ('Rosanne Paffley', '2017-05-30 13:00', '2017-05-30 19:00') DECLARE @cols AS NVARCHAR(MAX), @query AS NVARCHAR(MAX), @PIVOTHTML AS NVARCHAR(MAX) ;WITH cte (datelist, maxdate) AS ( SELECT min(shift_start) datelist, max(shift_end) maxdate FROM #DATA UNION all SELECT dateadd(HOUR, 1, datelist), maxdate FROM cte WHERE datelist < maxdate ) SELECT c.datelist INTO #TEMPDATES FROM cte c
Last time we predefined the time values like the code below
SELECT name, [08:00], [09:00], [10:00], [11:00], [12:00], [13:00] , [14:00], [15:00], [16:00], [17:00], [18:00], [19:00], [20:00] INTO #PIVOTED FROM ( SELECT name, shift_start, shift_end, time_list, CONVERT(TIME, time_list) PivotDate FROM #TEMPDATES t LEFT JOIN #DATA d ON t.time_list between shift_start and shift_end ) x PIVOT ( COUNT(time_list) FOR PivotDate IN ([08:00], [09:00], [10:00], [11:00], [12:00], [13:00] , [14:00], [15:00], [16:00], [17:00], [18:00], [19:00], [20:00]) ) p
But instead of listing the times, let’s concatenate the times into a NVARCHAR(MAX) parameter
select @cols = STUFF((SELECT distinct ',' + QUOTENAME(CONVERT(TIME, datelist)) from #TEMPDATES FOR XML PATH(''), TYPE ).value('.', 'VARCHAR(MAX)') ,1,1,'')
The parameter @cols now has a string of the times comma separated and ready to be used columns for our pivot
And now for the PIVOT. The PIVOT statement will be the same except we will replace the list of times with the @cols parameter.
Also, we will use dynamic SQL.
We’ll first write the PIVOT, then use the PIVOT to populate the <tr><td> sets for the data.
set @query = 'SELECT name, ' + @cols + ' into #PIVOTED from ( select s.name, s.shift_start, s.shift_end, d.datelist, CONVERT(TIME, datelist) PivotDate from #TEMPDATES d left join #DATA s on d.datelist between s.shift_start and s.shift_end ) x pivot ( count(datelist) for PivotDate in (' + @cols + ') ) p SELECT @result = CAST(( SELECT name td, ' + REPLACE(@cols, ',', ' td,') + ' td FROM #PIVOTED FOR XML RAW(''tr''), ELEMENTS ) AS NVARCHAR(MAX))'
Now we can use sp_executesql to execute the dynamic sql.
We’ll output the html formatted result into the @PIVOTHTML parameter
EXECUTE sp_executesql @query, N'@result NVARCHAR(MAX) OUTPUT', @result=@PIVOTHTML OUTPUT
With the html formatted data, we can build the html table
DECLARE @body VARCHAR(MAX) SET @body = '<html><head>' + '<style type="text/css">' + '#sample table {font-size: 0.6em;}' + '#sample .one {background-color: #32cd32;}' + '</style>' + '</head><body>' + '<div id=''sample''><table>' + '<tr><th>Name</th>' + REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(@cols, ':00.0000000]', '</th>'), '[', '<th>'), ',', '') + '</tr>' + @PIVOTHTML + '</table></div></body></html>' SET @body = REPLACE(@body, '<td>1</td>', '<td class=''one'' />') SET @body = REPLACE(@body, '<td>0</td>', '<td />') SELECT @body
That’s it!
We used CTE (common table expression), PIVOT and Dynamic SQL
The complete code is below.
CREATE TABLE #DATA ( name VARCHAR(50), shift_start DATETIME, shift_end DATETIME ) INSERT INTO #DATA VALUES ('Boony Antonchik', '2017-05-30 14:00', '2017-05-30 17:00') INSERT INTO #DATA VALUES ('Toma Wittier', '2017-05-30 14:00', '2017-05-30 15:00') INSERT INTO #DATA VALUES ('Genvieve Arends', '2017-05-30 8:00', '2017-05-30 13:00') INSERT INTO #DATA VALUES ('Ulla Friatt', '2017-05-30 18:00', '2017-05-30 19:00') INSERT INTO #DATA VALUES ('Giralda Ranfield', '2017-05-30 13:00', '2017-05-30 15:00') INSERT INTO #DATA VALUES ('Alvis Duester', '2017-05-30 13:00', '2017-05-30 20:00') INSERT INTO #DATA VALUES ('Rhianna Sherar', '2017-05-30 13:00', '2017-05-30 16:00') INSERT INTO #DATA VALUES ('Liane Bayldon', '2017-05-30 12:00', '2017-05-30 19:00') INSERT INTO #DATA VALUES ('Cookie Saffle', '2017-05-30 9:00', '2017-05-30 12:00') INSERT INTO #DATA VALUES ('Rosanne Paffley', '2017-05-30 13:00', '2017-05-30 19:00') DECLARE @cols AS NVARCHAR(MAX), @query AS NVARCHAR(MAX), @PIVOTHTML AS NVARCHAR(MAX) ;WITH cte (datelist, maxdate) AS ( SELECT min(shift_start) datelist, max(shift_end) maxdate FROM #DATA UNION all SELECT dateadd(HOUR, 1, datelist), maxdate FROM cte WHERE datelist < maxdate ) SELECT c.datelist INTO #TEMPDATES FROM cte c select @cols = STUFF((SELECT distinct ',' + QUOTENAME(CONVERT(TIME, datelist)) from #TEMPDATES FOR XML PATH(''), TYPE ).value('.', 'VARCHAR(MAX)') ,1,1,'') set @query = 'SELECT name, ' + @cols + ' into #PIVOTED from ( select s.name, s.shift_start, s.shift_end, d.datelist, CONVERT(TIME, datelist) PivotDate from #TEMPDATES d left join #DATA s on d.datelist between s.shift_start and s.shift_end ) x pivot ( count(datelist) for PivotDate in (' + @cols + ') ) p SELECT @result = CAST(( SELECT name td, ' + REPLACE(@cols, ',', ' td,') + ' td FROM #PIVOTED FOR XML RAW(''tr''), ELEMENTS ) AS NVARCHAR(MAX))' EXECUTE sp_executesql @query, N'@result NVARCHAR(MAX) OUTPUT', @result=@PIVOTHTML OUTPUT DECLARE @body VARCHAR(MAX) SET @body = '<html><head>' + '<style type="text/css">' + '#sample table {font-size: 0.6em;}' + '#sample .one {background-color: #32cd32;}' + '</style>' + '</head><body>' + '<div id=''sample''><table>' + '<tr><th>Name</th>' + REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(@cols, ':00.0000000]', '</th>'), '[', '<th>'), ',', '') + '</tr>' + @PIVOTHTML + '</table></div></body></html>' SET @body = REPLACE(@body, '<td>1</td>', '<td class=''one'' />') SET @body = REPLACE(@body, '<td>0</td>', '<td />') SELECT @body DROP TABLE #TEMPDATES DROP TABLE #DATAhttps://gist.github.com/jon-kim/7fd7be8242704bd0d9d9e10a054ba4e0
One thought on “PIVOTS with Unknown Values – Dynamic SQL”
Thanks for keeping your promise after 3 yrs. ?✨